

Just Us Girls #728 ~ Thanks a Bunch!

It's stencil week at Just Us Girls! It's also the final week for our guest designer, Jenny Martin. It's been a pleasure having her with us! 

I used a lovely set by Memory Box called Cheerful Floral. After embossing and die cutting the flowers I used the stencils and ink to add my color. Once this was finished, I popped it onto a card base covered with another embossed panel. This one was gifted to me by my sweet friend Greta. I simple sentiment by Pinkfresh was all it needed!

Okay, friends, it's your turn now. We can't wait to see what stencil you choose to use!


Marcia Hill said...

WOW...this is soooo pretty Lisa! I love the dimension you get from the embossing folder and the perfect coloring from the stencil...a match made in heaven! Lovely, lovely card my friend!! Hugs. :0)

Birgit said...

What a pretty spring bouquet, Lisa!

Carol said...

So pretty and a cool process to stencil after embossing and die cutting the flowers. Your colors are very sweet and feel like spring. And all the it!

Vicki Dutcher said...

So pretty! Great use of the stencil 😊

I Card Everyone said...

Lisa, I have OODLES of stencils to choose from - which could be a problem! lol
LOve your gorgeous, stenciled bouquet and that it is also embossed!

TK said...

Soft, sweet florals on an embossed background -- can't get better than this, Lisa! Loving your colors

Cat Craig said...

I love the texture and the colors. Fabulous card.

Annette Allen said...

wow those flowers are stunning... pretty card Lisa.

ElizStewart said...

Lisa... so love this card. I don't own any stencils that I can use with an embossing folder but I love the idea... will definitely check this out! Wonderfully smart way to get embossing it!

Bobby said...

Stenciled embossing gives great dimension to your lovely flowers, Lisa. This is such a pretty card.

Bonnie said...

Ooh, what pretty flowers, Lisa! Love all the texture too!

Trina P. said...

Another pretty card with beautiful colours. Awesome texture and dimension.

Anonymous said...

Marisela Delgado said: Gorgeous card, Lisa. You're awesome, girlfriend! Have a great weekend! 💜🤗 Mari

Anonymous said...

Marisela Delgado said: I'm not sure if my comment went through, but gorgeous card! BTW, I sent you an email. Sending big hugs! 💜🤗 Mari

Sue VanDeVusse said...

This is stunning! I love the embossed and stenciled flowers in the soft colors. Beautiful dimension.

Stephanie Lanzalotto said...

I love your beautiful florals over the embossed background, Liza. The colors you chose for the die cut panel are gorgeous. Such a wonderful stencil project.

Linda W. (ScrappinBari) said...

Lovely stenciled floral spray, Lisa, and I love it atop the embossed background too!!

Leslie Miller said...

Wowie, this is gorgeous, Lisa! Your shaded stenciling makes it look hand colored. What a pretty folder which you made into an utterly fabulous card!

cm said...

Lisa, your stenciled + embossed florals make for a lovely card. A wonderful gift from Greta; she's so sweet!

Rosemary said...

So pretty, Lisa!

Greta said...

Oh so beautiful, Lisa! Happy that embossed panel worked for the background!

Tracey McNeely said...

So beautiful!

Tracey McNeely said...

So beautiful!